Welcome to Wisdome Norrköping for an immersive lecture with Dr. Ka Chun Yu, Curator of Space Science.
Date: April 3, 2025
14:30 – 15:00 Drop-in. Coffee and fruit will be served in the restaurant.
15:00 – 16:00 Lecture at Wisdome Norrköping.
Visualiseringscenter C, Kungsgatan 54, Norrköping
Free entry!
The event will be held in English. Registration is required.
The Colorado River in the Western United States: A Template for Understanding Society, Energy, Climate, and the Future

We will travel from the headwaters of the Colorado River in the high Rocky Mountains of Colorado and follow it downstream to its delta in the Gulf of California. As we follow the river, we will see how this vital water resource is shared across a huge arid region. The river system is sourced from snowmelt in the highlands. The water is then pumped and transported through tunnels to slake the thirst of millions of residents in Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada and California. While irrigation for agriculture accounts for the lion’s share of the water, municipal use for drinking water and other domestic uses are of primary importance. Our presentation will emphasize our national efforts at finding solutions to the challenge of increasing water demands in a time of diminishing river flows.