Building Sweden as an AI country
WASP is a national research program with the aim of positioning Sweden as an internationally recognized and leading country in AI, autonomous systems and software.
WASP – Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – is the largest individual research program in Sweden in modern times. It covers the research areas of AI and autonomous systems, and how these interact with humans. The systems are based in software, so software research is an integral theme throughout the program. WASP research is conducted both as large collaborative projects and as individual PhD projects. The program promotes the building of new, strong research environments in Sweden, and the individual projects have both breadth and depth. Five universities are partners in the program: Chalmers University of Technology, Linköping University, Lund University, Royal Institute of Technology and Umeå University. In addition, WASP has several affiliated research groups at Örebro University, Uppsala University and Luleå University of Technology. A cornerstone of WASP is also collaboration between academia and industry. WASP started in 2015, and will run until at least 2031. The main funding comes from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, and other funding from the partner universities. More than 80 industrial partners from the business community are also involved.