At Visualiseringscenter C, the public, researchers, businesses, and educators come together, all driven by the same goal – to create value through visualization. For science, business development, education, and the world. Here, the next generation of science communication is being created by our researchers and developers from Linköping University.
Visualization – See the Science
Our eyes are our most important tools for knowledge and experience. It has always been that way. Much of what surrounds us is difficult to perceive and understand. With visualization technology, we can see the tiniest details – and the vastest scales. The movement of molecules in a plant cell. The cosmic background radiation from the Big Bang. The mysteries of the human body, the growth of a global metropolis, the consequences of climate change.
Visualization is Needed Everywhere
Visualization is used in all sciences and is present throughout society – in medicine, space research, statistical analysis, the study of historical artifacts, and urban planning. Research at Visualiseringscenter C largely focuses on developing methods for visualizing complex datasets, but also on how we can interact with and explore data, as well as how visualization can be used for education and communication.

C-research at Linköping University is the university-affiliated part of Norrköping’s Visualiseringscenter C. The research conducted focuses largely on advanced computer graphics and methods for visualizing large and complex datasets.
Visual Sweden
Do you and your company have an idea that could be even stronger through visualization? We are happy to help. Our region is Europe’s most attractive innovation hub for visualization. Through Visual Sweden, we connect businesses with our own research and the many companies and organizations working with visualization here and across the country. Seize the opportunity to develop your business!

Our Partnerships
Visualiseringscenter C is a natural meeting place for research and industry. Much of what we create is done in collaboration with external partners, and we are always open to new partnerships.
Research Areas
Visualiseringscenter C is engaged in several research areas. The researchers are based at C-Research, which is part of the Department of Media and Information Technology (MIT) at Linköping University and represents the university’s contribution to Visualiseringscenter C.

Computer graphics and image processing
The Computer Graphics and Image Processing group conducts research projects where we develop theories, methods, and demonstrators in imaging technology, image analysis, and image synthesis.

Immersive visualization
The Immersive Visualization unit researches and develops various techniques to create engaging and immersive data visualization using large-scale display systems, such as immersive domes and stereoscopic (3D) visualization.

Information Visualization (iVis)
The iVis research group focuses primarily on analysis and visualization to explore large and complex amounts of information in areas such as environmental research, transportation systems, social sciences or artificial intelligence.

Media design and image reproduction
The Media Design and Image Reproduction Group researches the possibilities of combining digital and analog media to convey information, insights and emotions, and how we can offer engaging experiences through modern interaction technology.

Applied visualization
The Media Design and Image Reproduction Group researches the possibilities of combining digital and analog media to convey information, insights and emotions, and how we can offer engaging experiences through modern interaction technology.

Scientific visualization
The Scientific Visualization research group develops new visualization, analysis, and exploration methods to create better understanding of large amounts of data.

Visual learning and communication
The Visual Learning and Communication group conducts research on science teaching and learning using visualizations. The subject focus is biology and molecular sciences, and the group is engaged in both pedagogy and design of visualizations.
News and articles
Read news about all our research and innovation projects.

WASP Joint Summer School
Visualization Center C in Norrköping is the meeting place for...
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Marcus Wandt Visits Wisdome Norrköping
On May 30th, Visualization Center C takes Marcus Wandt back...
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Techvärldens front inspirerar Norrköping under Next Gen Media
Tisdagen den 7 maj ordnas Next Gen Media NKPG -...
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Norrköpings digitala tvilling har flyttat in på Visualiseringscenter C
Norrköping har fått en digital tvilling som nu kan upplevas...
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Kan en spelutvecklare hjälpa polisen lösa brott? – Invigning av Visual Crime Scene
Visual Crime Scene är ett projekt som nyttjar spelutvecklingens visualisering...
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Banbrytande visualiseringsteknik tar plats i Norrköping
Den 15 november lanserade Visualiseringscenter C, tillsammans med Interspectral och...
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Anders Ynnerman och Jonas Unger tilldelas Chester Carlsons forskningspris
Forskarna Anders Ynnerman och Jonas Unger, tilldelas Chester Carlsons forskningspris...
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Professor Anders Ynnerman tilldelas Eurographics Medal 2023
Vid en ceremoni i Saarbrücken, Tyskland, tilldelades professor Anders Ynnerman...
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Svenska rymdforskare som söker liv i rymden besöker Norrköpings Visualiseringscenter 6–7 maj
Den 13 april skickades rymdsonden JUICE iväg från Franska Guyana...
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