Porträtt Anders Ynnerman står lutad mot en tegelvägg. Han har grå tröja och håller en kavaj över axeln

Professor Anders Ynnerman tilldelas Eurographics Medal 2023

Vid en ceremoni i Saarbrücken, Tyskland, tilldelades professor Anders Ynnerman den hedersamma guldmedaljen Eurographics Medal 2023 av Eurographics – Europeiska organisationen för datorgrafik, för sitt enastående bidrag till visuell bildbehandling och vetenskaplig visualisering. I motiveringen för det hedersamma priset, lyfts särskilt fram ledarskapet i att forma det visuella datalandskapet i Sverige och Europa. Norrköpingsbon Anders Ynnerman är verksam vid Linköpings Universitet och konsortiedirektör för Norrköpings Visualiseringscenter C.

Motiveringen och bakgrund till priset är författad på engelska och hämtat från European Association for Computer Graphics:

”Eurographics is very pleased to award the Eurographics Medal 2023 to Anders Ynnerman for his outstanding contributions to visual computing and scientific visualization and for his leadership in shaping the visual computing landscape in Sweden and Europe.
– Eurographics

Anders Ynnerman is currently the head of the Media and Information Technology division at the department of Science and Technology (ITN) at Linköping University and the director of the Norrköping Visualization Center. He also directs the national Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP).

Anders received a Ph.D. in physics from Gothenburg University, Sweden. From 1997 to 2002 he directed the Swedish National Supercomputer Centre and from 2002 to 2006 he directed the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC). In 2000 he founded the Norrköping Visualization and Interaction Studio (NVIS), which has evolved into the Norrköping Visualization Center. The center was opened in 2010 and constitutes a focal point for Visualization in Northern Europe. He is also one of the co-founders of the Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV). Anders’ current research interest lies in the area of visualization of large scale and complex data. He has made fundamental contributions to areas such as multimodal interaction, immersive visualization, and volumetric rendering. Recently he has been investigating the combination of large language models and visualization. Applications of his research are found in a wide range of areas including medical visualization, space and astronomical research as well as visualization in science communication.

Anders chaired and hosted several international conferences including EuroVis 2007 and Eurographics 2010, the largest conferences in visualization and computer graphics in Europe. He also chaired the virtual conference EGEV 2020. He served as the chair of the Eurographics Association (2014-2016), and he was the chair of the Eurographics Working Group on Data Visualization and the chairman of the EuroVis steering committee until 2020. In 2021 and 2022 he served as overall papers chair for IEEE Vis.

Ynnerman is a member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences and the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences, In 2007 Ynnerman was awarded the Akzo Nobel Science award and the Golden Mouse award for Swedish IT-person of the year. In 2009 he received the Athena Award for best medical clinical research in Sweden and in 2010 he received the Swedish Knowledge Award for dissemination of scientific knowledge to the public. In 2011 he received the gold medal from the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences. In 2017 he was awarded the King’s medal for contributions to medical image science, and in 2018 he received the IEEE VGTC Technical Achievement award.

Please join us in congratulating Anders for an outstanding career in computer graphics and to the Eurographics Medal 2023.

Läs mer om European Association for Computer Graphics här: https://www.eg.org/wp/


Anders Ynnerman
Professor, vetenskaplig visualisering, Linköpings Universitet och Konsortiedirektör Visualiseringscenter C
0705 56 66 38

Lisa Lindgren
VD Norrköping Visualisering AB vid Visualiseringscenter C
0722 28 06 67

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