World-unique visualization in the heart of Norrköping
The cutting-edge research at Visualization Center C and Linköping University provides us with entirely new keys to seeing and understanding the world. Together, we become a vibrant meeting place for research, innovation, and curiosity – with interactive experiences for those who want to get really close. Welcome.
Now at Visualization Center C
Opening hours
All days 10-16
Free entrance to the center
Ostlänken – Guided tour & short film
Winter program on C
Lucialunch on C
STORT Junior
Children’s party
News and articles
Read about all the exciting things happening at and around Visualization Center C. Our news is mainly in Swedish.
Stängt på grund av fastighetsunderhåll
Visualiseringscenter C håller stängt i alla publika miljöer under perioden...
Read moreFramtidens Norrköping visas på Visualiseringscenter C
Norrköping står inför en stor omvandling i och med bygget...
Read moreStatister sökes till fotografering
Vill du vara statist under en fotografering hos oss på...
Read moreJulinspirerad lunch och ljuv luciasång
Den 13 december skrider Norrköpings Luciatåg in i Wisdome Norrköping...
Read moreNytt projekt ska utveckla AI-metoder för bättre verktyg i brottsutredningar och förebyggande
Santa Anna IT Research Institute meddelar nu att de har...
Read moreStort Junior för små rymdresenärer
Hundratusentals besökare över hela världen har redan upplevt universums ofattbara...
Read moreSpännande höstlovsaktiviteter för hela familjen
Mellan den 26 oktober och 3 november erbjuder vi ett...
Read moreAstronauterna har gjort ytterligare en rymdresa tillsammans – i Norrköping
Den 18 januari 2024 markerade ett historiskt ögonblick när rymdfarkosten...
Read moreVis Collective and Östergötlands Stadsmission: A Powerful Alliance
The Vis Collective, led by Dr. Miriah Meyer from the...
Read moreKostnadsfria skolbesök för Norrköpings kommun
Nu öppnar vi bokningen för höstterminens kostnadsfria skolbesök för klasser...
Read moreWASP Joint Summer School
Visualization Center C in Norrköping is the meeting place for...
Read moreAnmäl din klass till TänkTech!
Tänk att teknik finns överallt omkring oss, i allt från...
Read moreSummer at the Visualization Center C
Land on Mars, walk with dinosaurs, see what hides inside...
Read moreMarcus Wandt Visits Wisdome Norrköping
On May 30th, Visualization Center C takes Marcus Wandt back...
Read moreTechvärldens front inspirerar Norrköping under Next Gen Media
Tisdagen den 7 maj ordnas Next Gen Media NKPG -...
Read moreWisdomeproduktion från Norrköping vinner “Best Special Effects Design Film” på internationell filmfestival
Norrköpings Visualiseringscenters domproduktion, Chemistry of Life – En osynlig inre...
Read moreNorrköpings digitala tvilling har flyttat in på Visualiseringscenter C
Norrköping har fått en digital tvilling som nu kan upplevas...
Read moreVattenläckage på grund av höga vattennivåer
Under kvällen den 5 februari inträffade en incident med vattenläckage...
Read moreNär jorden anropade rymden – In-flight call med astronauten Marcus Wandt
Den 29 januari hände något alldeles unikt: den svenska astronauten...
Read moreNationell kunskapssatsning komplett när Kungen invigde WISDOME
Den 5 december invigdes WISDOME Stockholm och med det är...
Read moreKan en spelutvecklare hjälpa polisen lösa brott? – Invigning av Visual Crime Scene
Visual Crime Scene är ett projekt som nyttjar spelutvecklingens visualisering...
Read moreBanbrytande visualiseringsteknik tar plats i Norrköping
Den 15 november lanserade Visualiseringscenter C, tillsammans med Interspectral och...
Read moreAnders Ynnerman och Jonas Unger tilldelas Chester Carlsons forskningspris
Forskarna Anders Ynnerman och Jonas Unger, tilldelas Chester Carlsons forskningspris...
Read moreNorrköpings Visualiseringscenter C vinnare på internationell filmfestival
Visualiseringscenter C vinnare på internationell filmfestival – ”Bästa Film 2023”...
Read moreProfessor Anders Ynnerman tilldelas Eurographics Medal 2023
Vid en ceremoni i Saarbrücken, Tyskland, tilldelades professor Anders Ynnerman...
Read moreSvenska rymdforskare som söker liv i rymden besöker Norrköpings Visualiseringscenter 6–7 maj
Den 13 april skickades rymdsonden JUICE iväg från Franska Guyana...
Read moreExperience the science
Through exploranation, you can explore, experience, and discover all the mysteries of science. In our lab and learning environments, your own curiosity can take you to entirely new places. Always free entry.
Wadström’s Exploranation Laboratory
Experience ecosystems, explore your own climate impact, and dive into...
Space, the human body, world art. Explore the most exciting...
Visual City
Look out over Norrköping's 3D modeled twin, investigate what happens...
The Spaceship
Try life as an astronaut, in an exciting journey for...
Home of Wisdome
In Norrköping, some of the world’s finest dome shows are created, and here you’ll find the mothership of Sweden’s dome theaters. Through Wisdome, we visualize science for the benefit of people all over Sweden – and the world.
Making Magic – A Visual Effects Story
With the award-winning dome production Making Magic, we awaken the interest in technology and mathematics, by letting the audience look into how visual effects are created for film and computer games.
TellUs – The speaking planet
Let students talk to the planet! TellUs is a fun way to spark interest in our planet and science in general, by letting the globe talk directly to school students.
VAST – A cosmic journey through time and space
In the second Wisdome production, STORT, we visualize the universe based on all available astronomical data. The performance takes the audience on a breathtaking journey and evokes both strong emotions and curiosity.
The world’s most advanced dome theater
This is where we let audiences step right into the big stories, and right into the science – to places no man has ever been. Our world-unique Dome Theater makes it possible.
Chemistry of Life – An invisible inner world
In the Wisdome project’s third award-winning production, the biomolecular world becomes tangible and accessible. Here, the audience is shrunk to nano size and given the opportunity to discover the body’s mechanisms while their eyes are opened to science.
Technology is fun, crazy and different ideas, which can become something new or solve a problem. With TänkTech, we let students and secondary school teachers explore technology in a creative challenge.
OpenSpace is an interactive software, designed to visualize the entire known universe and give an insight into the enormous work of the research project to explore more parts of the cosmos.
The future starts here
Everything we do at Visualization Center C is based on our belief that visualization and exploranation are the most important keys to curiosity, learning, and communication in the future. By bringing together research with industry, students, and the public, we ensure that it has real societal benefits.
It has never been more important to make the world understandable and clear. We are proud that our research and collaborations help more and more people understand the world, and our place in it.
Since we opened in 2010
900 +
scientific articles have been published
600 M SEK
in external funding has been received for research
400 +
theses have been completed
PhDs have graduated
students have participated in our school programs
1.5 million
visitors have experienced the center
dome productions have been created
Our partners
Marcus och Amalia Wallenbergs Stiftelse
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Stiftelsen Landshövding Per Eckerbergs fond
Stiftelsen för Strategisk Forskning
Swedbank/Sparbanksstiftelsen Alfa
Marcus och Amalia Wallenbergs Stiftelse
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Stiftelsen Landshövding Per Eckerbergs fond
Stiftelsen för Strategisk Forskning
Swedbank/Sparbanksstiftelsen Alfa
Stiftelsen för Strategisk Forskning
Stiftelsen Landshövding Per Eckerbergs fond
Marcus och Amalia Wallenbergs Stiftelse
Swedbank/Sparbanksstiftelsen Alfa
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Stiftelsen för Strategisk Forskning
Stiftelsen Landshövding Per Eckerbergs fond
Marcus och Amalia Wallenbergs Stiftelse
Swedbank/Sparbanksstiftelsen Alfa
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden